Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Caringorm Drawback a solution..

This blog is thanks to Derrick's views which I concur with and the inspiration for this sample code from joe's Blog ..
What led to this code..

1. The cairngorm draw back of a failure to communicate from the command to the view.
2. The non ability to track an event after dispatch which is very essential.

A extremely detailed analysis is available courtesy Jess.

A small review of the code... (details available at joe's Blog)...

From the command one can send results or intimate the view that a particular event has completed or faultered.
So we dispatch an cairngorm event from the command. This is controlled by viewcontroller a sort of frontcontroller and another || sort of command which handles the event.

Now in the view we are listening to this event so as soon as this event occurs the functions are performed. 

This introduces a lot of flexibility in the view and the command is reusable and it gets into the true code reuse formula...

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